Douglas McLeod Framing Ltd – Picture Framing & Restoration

Traditional Picture Framers

Established in Salisbury for more than 40 years. All types of framing and conservation undertaken. Oil paintings, watercolours and prints cleaned. A wide range of our own finished mouldings provided.

Alterations, repair and restoration of picture and mirror frames. Carving, gilding, composition moulding and decorative paint finishes executed on the premises.

Large selection of period, modern and contemporary frames and mirrors always in stock. Specialising in English 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century styles.

Location 44 Trinity Street Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 2BD Phone 01722 337 565 E-mail [email protected] Hours Tuesday to Friday 9am - 5pm. Saturday 10am - 2pm. Monday by appointment.
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